Friday, July 5, 2024
Tips and Hints

10 tips to help you sell your home in Spain in 2024

While the resale property market in Spain remains buoyant, new properties come on the market every week and in some segments buyers have a good choice. Many potential purchasers won’t hesitate to make a cheekily low offer, so be sure to maximise your property’s appeal and don’t give away any unnecessary opportunities to negotiate a price reduction!

It’s important to avoid spending too much money on your property though — simple cosmetic improvements are often the most effective. Ask your real estate agent what’s worth doing, and keep it simple.

1. Kerb appeal. Entrances, drives, facades, outside areas, etc. are the first thing prospective buyers see, and first impressions are the strongest. These areas must be neat and well presented. A freshly painted facade, front door, smart ceramic plant pot, etc can make a huge difference.

2. Clean up. It sounds obvious, but dirty windows, dusty furniture, stale smells etc are a total turn-off for potential buyers. Get everything clean and sparkling, air your home before a viewing, and be sure to get rid of pet odours.

3. Declutter. Clear mantelpieces, windowsills, dressers and tables of unnecessary clutter. This can make rooms look bigger and focuses attention on your house, not your possessions. If you have lots of personal photos, consider removing some: they can be distracting.

Also, a spare room can easily get full of junk — try to clear it out before a viewing.

4. Repaint walls and ceilings in light, neutral colours if they aren’t already. If you can’t redecorate throughout, at least repair any paintwork that’s flaking or in poor condition, especially anything that could appear to be damp-related.

5. Kitchen makeovers. The kitchen is the heart of any home and, along with the living room, is the area that buyers will focus on most.

If your kitchen is looking tired but doesn’t warrant a full refit, you can update old-fashioned kitchen units by replacing just the cabinet fronts.

A new work surface can make a huge improvement, especially if you change the sink too. It’s worth bearing in mind that Spanish buyers favour granite-type worktops over laminate ones, even in a holiday home.

6. Update light fittings. Give your property a brighter, cared-for feeling by updating light fittings, ideally with ones that use LED or low energy bulbs. Many solar/generator-powered country properties are very dimly lit, something I find often puts off buyers: improvements are worth considering. And when you have a viewing, remember to turn all lights on and open blinds etc, before buyers arrive.

7. Home staging. Staging is the art of preparing a home for a sale, and many techniques cost next to nothing to implement. You’ll find plenty of information on the internet.

Get a few home magazines for inspiration (including Spanish ones), find a simple, unfussy look to emulate, and pamper, declutter, polish and tidy your house.

8. Buyers respond to light. No-one likes gloomy interiors so make the most of natural light sources and supplement with lamps, candles and mirrors and reflective surfaces.

9. Use scents that say “home”... fresh baked bread or cakes, cinnamon, vanilla and fresh coffee subtly create a welcoming atmosphere for buyers. The most important? Fresh air, so be sure to open all windows and air out the house before a viewing.

10. Sell smart. Finally, you, the seller. People buy people and lifestyles, and few will be impressed if you answer the door in a grubby tracksuit with food debris down the front! I’m not suggesting you don your choicest designer clothes to show your finca, but it’s a thought worth bearing in mind.

If you have a property to sell or are thinking of selling in the future, don’t hesitate to contact us on 616103182 or via email at

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Avinguda de Bèlgica 10
43850 – Cambrils

977 082 244 - 616 103 182
Registre d'agents immobiliaris de Catalunya. aicat 2671